How old is Brianna Mizura?
Brianna Mizura was born on 10 February 1998.
Brianna Mizura is 27 years old.
How old is Brianna Mizura in days now?
Brianna Mizura is 27 years 27 days old.
Total 9,889 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Brianna Mizura?
Brianna Mizura's next birthday is in 11 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Brianna Mizura?
Zodiac sign of Brianna Mizura is Aquarius.
Brianna Mizura is a TikToker and volgger whose POV and comedy related videos have attracted a great deal of public attention and helped the owner of the website to be a recognized and respected social media star. Brianna was born in 1998 in the US and grew up alongside her parents and her brother who often takes part in making her videos. As a young teenager she loved music and spending time with her friends, and in the late 2010s she began getting interested in social media platforms and decided to open the first personal account of hers. It turned out to be her YouTube channel which she used for some short times before opening her TikTok channel. The ideas of her videos are focused not only on her daily life but also on some cool jokes, pranks, lip-syncing, or some song covers like the one she recorded for a famous song of Britney Spears. As of the early 2025, Brianna Mizura has over 8 million followers on her TikTok, and the number of the views is approaching 5 billion ones.
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