How old is Brennen Taylor?
Brennen Taylor was born on 3 April 1995.
Brennen Taylor is 29 years old.
How old is Brennen Taylor in days now?
Brennen Taylor is 29 years 11 months 25 days old.
Total 10,952 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Brennen Taylor?
Brennen Taylor's next birthday is in 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Brennen Taylor?
Zodiac sign of Brennen Taylor is Aries.
Brennen Taylor became famous as a YouTuber, TikToker and a member of a successful group of the young YouTubers titled Our Journey which was created to join the efforts of Baby Ariel, Loren Gray, Nick Bean, Weston Kourey, and Mario Selman, to promote their personal YouTube accounts. Brennen was born in 1995 in California and grew up alongside his parents, brother and sister. He started vlogging and posting various interesting videos on his Vine and YouTube accounts, attracting the attention of the viewers with his comedy sketches and challenges. Brennen Taylor has always been dreaming about developing his career as an actor, and he has appeared in two movies, Shovel Buddies and Palo Alto. He was dating Maggie Lindemann, his fellow media star from Dallas. He can be followed on YouTube where he currently (as of April 2024) has about 3.6 million followers.
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