How old is Brennan Myers?

Brennan Myers was born on 28 December 2009.
Brennan Myers is 15 years old.

How old is Brennan Myers in days now?

Brennan Myers is 15 years 2 months 3 days old.
Total 5,544 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brennan Myers?

Brennan Myers's next birthday is in 9 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brennan Myers?

Zodiac sign of Brennan Myers is Capricorn.

A teenage TikTok star and one of the most growing content makers on the platform, Brennan Myers has attracted over 11 million fans to his channel (as of the early 2025) and continues his march in the world of top social media influencers. Born in 2009 in Maryland, he used to be quite a typical teenager until he launched his TikTok channel in the mid 2024, and his success to accumulate 11 million fanbase for less than a half year should be called truly overwhelming. He started by posting videos of him taking part in usual challenges and trying to entertain his viewers with some lip syncing or comedy like content. Many of his very early videos became viral immediately and attracted tens of millions of views. The phenomenon of Brennan Myers should be investigated closely, and all of his fans just pray for him to continue his triumphal walk to reach the hearts of everyone.

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