How old is Breckie Hill?
Breckie Hill was born on 18 April 2003.
Breckie Hill is 21 years old.
How old is Breckie Hill in days now?
Breckie Hill is 21 years 11 months 13 days old.
Total 8,018 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Breckie Hill?
Breckie Hill's next birthday is in 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Breckie Hill?
Zodiac sign of Breckie Hill is Aries.
Breckie Hill is one of those rising TikTok stars who successfully combines her amazing personal charm with plenty of great ideas and creativity in her outstanding video content. Born in 2003 in Minnesota, she grew up in the city of Edina and has been a very active person since her early years. At school she was one of the most charismatic cheer leaders and was even a member of the city cheer leaders team. In the late 2010s she opened her TikTok channel which initially was a kind of vlog for her school life. Later on Breckie joined a trend for social media infulencers and focused on attracting new followers by making and posting plenty of funny and entertaining videos including lip syncing, skits, choreography, and such. In the early 2022 some of her videos started to go viral and attract a few millions of viewers. Currently, there are over 3.6 million people following her channel (as of April 2024). You can find Breckie Hill on Instagram as well, where she keeps sharing a lot of great photos with her friends and her fellow TikTok stars.
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