How old is Bob Ross?
Bob Ross was born on 29 October 1942. Bob Ross died on 4 July 1995 at the age of 52 years.
What was the exact age of Bob Ross?
Bob Ross's exact age was 52 years 8 months 5 days old. Bob Ross lived for total 19,241 days.
What would be the age of Bob Ross if alive?
Bob Ross's exact age would be 82 years 3 months 24 days old if alive. Total 30,067 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bob Ross?
Zodiac sign of Bob Ross is Scorpio.
Bob Ross is definitely one of the most popular artists and TV personalities of the 20th century. Born in 1942 and raised in Florida, Ross was in love with dealing with animals since his early childhood (on of the squirrels saved by him when he was a child used to appear on his TV show program). He discovered his unique talent for painting at quite a late age when he was doing his military duty which he further continued as a military at Elmendorf Air Force Base. He attended a few courses but very soon he got interested in the style of fast painting (called Alla prima) by a German artist Bill Alexander. Having mastered this approach, Ross started doing such kind of painting and selling those for money. In 1981 he retired from his military services and decided to continue pursuing his career as a painter. Somehow he became the focus of the attention of TV scouts and in 1983 the first episode of his epic TV show "The Joy of Painting" went on air. He demonstrated his wet-on-wet oil painting technique and showed people how to make easy paintings really fast. Year by year the number of views of his show was increasing and made Bob Ross a very popular public personality. His show was and still has been broadcasted in many countries of the world. Bob Ross passed away in 1995 after battling lymphoma. He was married three times and had 2 children, with his son Steven attempting to take over his father's show.
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