How old is Bernie Mac?
Bernie Mac was born on 5 October 1957. Bernie Mac died on 9 August 2008 at the age of 50 years.
What was the exact age of Bernie Mac?
Bernie Mac's exact age was 50 years 10 months 4 days old. Bernie Mac lived for total 18,571 days.
What would be the age of Bernie Mac if alive?
Bernie Mac's exact age would be 67 years 4 months 17 days old if alive. Total 24,612 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bernie Mac?
Zodiac sign of Bernie Mac is Libra.
Bernie Mac was a talented actor and comedian who is remembered by a few of his great performances in the movies like Mr.3000 or Ocean's Eleven. Born Bernard Jeffrey McCullogh in 1957 in Chicago, where he grew up alongside his mother and friends. He was raised by his single mother who died when Bernie was only 16 years old that changed his life and made him look for a job when he was quite young. before starting his professional career as an actor, Mac got married and had a daughter. In the late 1970s and the early 1980s he tried a great deal of jobs, from being a cook and a driver to being a sports coach, but he used to spend his weekend time in a club doing some comedy stand up shows. Later in the decade he started gaining some fame, and i the early 1990s he joined the cohort of famous black comedy actors and stand up comedians like Martin Lawrence, Steve Harway, D.L.Hughley, and others. His most notable roles in the cinema movies include the ones in Who's The Men, Above The Rim, Def Jams How To Be A Player, The Player's Club, The Original Kings of Comedy, Ocean's Eleven, The Head Of The State, Charlie's Angels, Guess Who (with Ashton Kutcher), Soul Men, etc. On TV, Bernie Mac had his own show titled Bernie Mac Show which was on for 5 years. He passed away at the age of 50, after suffering from a serious lung condition..