How old is Berklie Weaver?
Berklie Weaver was born on 23 October 2012.
Berklie Weaver is 12 years old.
How old is Berklie Weaver in days now?
Berklie Weaver is 12 years 5 months 5 days old.
Total 4,539 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Berklie Weaver?
Berklie Weaver's next birthday is in 6 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Berklie Weaver?
Zodiac sign of Berklie Weaver is Scorpio.
Berklie Weaver is a celebrity child and a daughter of Lottie Weaver, a model and social media star. Berklie was born in 2012 in Nevada and is growing up alongside her two sisters, Hadley and Kinlee. Together, the girls often appear in their mum's videos in her channel and their content is extremely positive and cheerful. Since her very early years Berklie has loved dancing and is receiving a lot of training as a competitive dancer. She has got amazing red hair which she loves to take care about. It is possible to find Berklie Weaver's personal TikTok channel with a large number of fans. The videos of her family's adventures in Disnayland have received the most number of views on her personal channel.
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