How old is BeautyChickee?
BeautyChickee was born on 3 June 1999.
BeautyChickee is 25 years old.
How old is BeautyChickee in days now?
BeautyChickee is 25 years 9 months 28 days old.
Total 9,433 days old now.
When is the next birthday of BeautyChickee?
BeautyChickee's next birthday is in 2 months 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of BeautyChickee?
Zodiac sign of BeautyChickee is Gemini.
BeautyChickee is a known Youtuber and the girlfriend of Corbyn Besson. Her real name is Christina Marie Harris and she was born in 1999 in Long Island where she grew up alongside her brother. Christina has been interested in fashion and makeup since her early teen ages, and in the early 2010s, she opened her first YouTube channel where she began posting her first fashion-related comments and videos. Later on, she opened one more channel, ChickeeVlogs where she is posting plenty of videos related to her daily routines and daily life. She often collaborates with one more YouTube beauty expert, Sienna Mirabella. BeautyChickee has been a long term girlfriend of Corbyn Besson from Why Don't We. As of the mid 2024, the number of her YouTube followers is close to 750 thousand people.
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