How old is Beabadoobee?

Beabadoobee was born on 3 June 2000.
Beabadoobee is 24 years old.

How old is Beabadoobee in days now?

Beabadoobee is 24 years 9 months 27 days old.
Total 9,066 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Beabadoobee?

Beabadoobee's next birthday is in 2 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Beabadoobee?

Zodiac sign of Beabadoobee is Gemini.

Beabadoobee is a folk singer and a producer who has released a few very successful singles like "Susie May". She was born Beatrice Kristi in 2000 in the Philippines but spent her childhood in West London, the UK, where she finished school and made the first steps in he career as a singer. In her teenage hood she learned to play guitar using mainly various YouTube tutorials, and then started recording her singles. Her first songs to became popular were "Coffee" and "The Moon Song" released in 2017. The late 2010s were marked for her by recording many EPs which had some of the best of her compositions. Finally, in 2020 her first studio album titled Fake It Flowers came out. Her second album was released in 2022. Beabadoobee collaborated with many British and American singers like Clairo, as well as worked with a few popular producers like Soren Harrison famous for his work with Damiano David and Maneskin. She can be found and followed on Instagram with the current number of subscribers close to 2.4 million people (as of the mid 2024).

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