How old is Barbra Streisand?

Barbra Streisand was born on 24 April 1942.
Barbra Streisand is 82 years old.

How old is Barbra Streisand in days now?

Barbra Streisand is 82 years 10 months 11 days old.
Total 30,268 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Barbra Streisand?

Barbra Streisand's next birthday is in 1 month 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Barbra Streisand?

Zodiac sign of Barbra Streisand is Taurus.

Barbra Joan Streisand is a cult American singer, actress, and songwriter, whose successful career lasted for about 60 years. She was born in 1942 in Brooklyn, NY, and her career began in the early 1960s, with her debut on Broadway stage. After signing up with Columbia Records, Barbra released a few albums, combining her concerts, nightclub performances, TV appearances, and Broadway stages. The first movie she took part in was Funny Girl (with Omar Sharif), which brought her both Academy and the Golden Globe awards. Other remarkable roles of Streisand include her performances in Hello Dolly, The Way We Were, The Prince of Tides, The Mirror Has Two Faces, and The Fockers trilogy (with Ben Stiller and Dustin Hoffman). For her life, Streisand has recorded over 40 albums and won a large number of awards, including ten Grammies, five Emmies, two Academy Awards, nine Golden Globes, and many more. She was married to an American actor Elliott Gould, who is the father of her son James. Since 1998 Barbra Streisand has been married to James Brolin.

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