How old is Barbara Palvin?

Barbara Palvin was born on 8 October 1993.
Barbara Palvin is 31 years old.

How old is Barbara Palvin in days now?

Barbara Palvin is 31 years 5 months 19 days old.
Total 11,493 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Barbara Palvin?

Barbara Palvin's next birthday is in 6 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Barbara Palvin?

Zodiac sign of Barbara Palvin is Libra.

Barbara Palvin is a beautiful lady, actress and fashion model of Hungarian origins. She was born in 1993 in Budapest and was raised there by her parents alongside her younger sister. She started her career as a model in the mid 2000s, when she was a young teenager.  As of the late 2024, there are over 21 million people following Barbara Palvin's Instagram account. Later in the decade, as well as in the early 2010s she appeared on the pages of many fashion magazines and collaborated with a large number of fashion companies, as well as walked and took part in other numerous fashion and advertisement projects. In 2014 her acting debut took place with a small role in the movie Hercules. Palvin is known as the first Hungarian Victoria's Secret Angel. She always names Kate Moss as her inspiration. As of the late 2024, there are over 21 million people following her Instagram account. Barbara Palvin is married to an American actor Dylan Sprouse.

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