How old is BambinoBecky?

BambinoBecky was born on 26 April 1998.
BambinoBecky is 26 years old.

How old is BambinoBecky in days now?

BambinoBecky is 26 years 11 months 3 days old.
Total 9,834 days old now.

When is the next birthday of BambinoBecky?

BambinoBecky's next birthday is in 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of BambinoBecky?

Zodiac sign of BambinoBecky is Taurus.

BambinoBecky is a YouTube star and experienced vloger famous for her great and fascinating videos about her daily activities, fun, challenges, etc. Born in 1998 in Wales, she grew up alongside her sister and her parents in the west of the UK. She was only 15 when she launched her YouTube channel and for a few years she used to post only vlog videos informing the viewers about the milestone events of her daily life. But closer to the end of the decade she drifted to more of entertaining and humorous content like some music and lip syncing, challenges and skits,  etc. As of the mid 2024, a bit less than a million people follow her channel. She used to be a very good streamer and have quite a good channel on YouNow. BambinoBecky also has a secondary YouTube channel which she is using to promote the main one. Nevertheless, it is possible to find plenty of really good video content there as well.

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