How old is BadKid.Jay?

BadKid.Jay was born on 15 January 2005.
BadKid.Jay is 20 years old.

How old is BadKid.Jay in days now?

BadKid.Jay is 20 years 2 months 11 days old.
Total 7,375 days old now.

When is the next birthday of BadKid.Jay?

BadKid.Jay's next birthday is in 9 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of BadKid.Jay?

Zodiac sign of BadKid.Jay is Capricorn.

BadKid.Jay is a young rapper and social media star who has been promoting his stuff on his social media accounts for many years. His real name is Jay and he was born in 2005 in Louisiana, he spent his childhood alongside his parents and two younger sisters who are also popular social media stars nowadays. Jay started rapping and free-styling when he was a young teenagers and opened his first YouTube account in order to share his music with other people. He made friends with the boys from a popular channel Young22 and became a member of a hip hop trio behind it known as The Bad Kids. With his bandmates, they performed on stage with many popular hip hopers like DEDE 3X and others. As of the early 2025, BadKid.Jay has 1.7 million fans on his YouTube channel and also thousands of followers on his current Instagram account.

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