How old is Backpack Kid?
Backpack Kid was born on 19 December 2001.
Backpack Kid is 23 years old.
How old is Backpack Kid in days now?
Backpack Kid is 23 years 3 months 12 days old.
Total 8,503 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Backpack Kid?
Backpack Kid's next birthday is in 8 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Backpack Kid?
Zodiac sign of Backpack Kid is Sagittarius.
Backpack Kid is an Internet celebrity and a dancer known for his collaborations with some other celebrities like Katy Perry, etc. He was born in 2001 in Georgia and his real name is Russell Horning. He grew up alongside his sister and loved dancing from an early age. Russell opened his first social media account when he was 15, which was a TikTok channel titled i_got_brazz. He began uploading videos of his special dance moves and all the videos were very stylish. A bit later he opened his Instagram account titled thebackpackkid (because he is always wearing a backpack while doing his signature dance moves) which is now very popular and is followed by over 1.4 million people (as of December of 2024). Backpack Kid often makes videos together with other dancers like Mateo Bowles, etc.
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