How old is Baby Kia?
Baby Kia was born on 4 October 2005.
Baby Kia is 19 years old.
How old is Baby Kia in days now?
Baby Kia is 19 years 5 months 23 days old.
Total 7,114 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Baby Kia?
Baby Kia's next birthday is in 6 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Baby Kia?
Zodiac sign of Baby Kia is Libra.
Baby Kia is a rising hip hop star, an entertainer and a YouTube star with a large number of fans an followers on his channel. He was born in 2005 in West Atlanta and grew up there loving rap music and trying to find his personal style as a future Spotify star. His friends encouraged him to start making his first recordings, and in the early 2023 he came out with a few hits like "BK Back" or "Trick or Treat". The year 2024 has become extremely fruitful for him and he has released a large number of songs including "Let's Play a Game", "Vegetable", "Bad Sport", "Ambulance", "Life Lesson", "Let Me Out", and many others. The number of his fans and listeners on Spotify has been increasing greatly, and there are about a half million followers now in his YouTube channel (as of the late 2024). Recently, Baby Kia has been more and more involved in numerous live performances and is now among the most perspective young hip hop singers.