How old is Baby Ariel?

Baby Ariel was born on 22 November 2000.
Baby Ariel is 24 years old.

How old is Baby Ariel in days now?

Baby Ariel is 24 years 4 months 6 days old.
Total 8,892 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Baby Ariel?

Baby Ariel's next birthday is in 7 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Baby Ariel?

Zodiac sign of Baby Ariel is Sagittarius.

Famous under the nickname Baby Ariel, Ariel Rebecca Martin is an American media personality and social media star. She was born in 2000 in South Florida, and her father is of Panamanian origin. She has a younger brother, King Jacob, who is also a developing social media star, just like both of their parents who have very popular Instagram and accounts. Ariel started her first account in 2015 and managed to gain huge popularity very soon. She is posting various original videos and tutorials which are very interesting for the young audience of her age. She managed to attract a few million followers to her, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. In 2017, she released her own Internet application, Arielmoji, which is very popular among her fans. She participated in a number of projects like Our Journey YouTube channel. She has also got an award, Teen Choice Award for Choice Muser, which is one of her most important recognition marks so far. Baby Ariel dated Blake Gray, one more popular personality. As of the mid 2024, the number of her followers on TikTok is close to 37 million people, the number of her Instagram fans is close to 12 million, and about 3 million subscribers are following her YouTube channel.

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