How old is B. Simone?
B. Simone was born on 5 April 1990.
B. Simone is 34 years old.
How old is B. Simone in days now?
B. Simone is 34 years 11 months 26 days old.
Total 12,779 days old now.
When is the next birthday of B. Simone?
B. Simone's next birthday is in 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of B. Simone?
Zodiac sign of B. Simone is Aries.
B.Simone is a hip hop singer and a young actress who started her career in the mid 2010s and continues as a singer and social media star. Born Braelyn Simone in 1990 in Texas, she grew up in Dallas alongside her family and friends. She has loved music since her early years and started her professional career in the mid 2010s by recording her first hits and her first EP. At about the same time she tried herself as an actress as she was cast to take part in filming Girl's Cruise, You're My Boooyfriend, as well as other projects. In 2014 she portrayed Aaliyah in the movie about this famous R&B singer. Later in the 2010s she started hosting a series of podcasts including some ones of MTV. B.Simone is a very talented young lady and a social media influencer. As of the early 2024, there are over 6 subscribers of her Instagram channel and the number has been increasing.