How old is Ayesha Erotica?
Ayesha Erotica was born on 11 August 1996.
Ayesha Erotica is 28 years old.
How old is Ayesha Erotica in days now?
Ayesha Erotica is 28 years 7 months 19 days old.
Total 10,458 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ayesha Erotica?
Ayesha Erotica's next birthday is in 4 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ayesha Erotica?
Zodiac sign of Ayesha Erotica is Leo.
A cute pop singer and social media star, Ayesha Erotica was born in 1996 California as a boy and has been going through the process of gender change. She spent her childhood in Huntington Beach and started her professional career as a pop singer in the mid 2010s by releasing her first hits on Sound Cloud under the name of Ayesha Erotica. In 2016 she got a chance to make some professional studio recordings and released even 2 studio albums that year. In 2018 she had a successful collaboration with Slayyyter which resulted in releasing a single called "BFF" followed by one more cool hit of hers, "Vacation Bible School" which currently, as of the mid of 2024, has over 45 million plays. These two hits became a breakthrough for Erotica and the number of her viewers started to grow. However, surprisingly, this growing popularity had an opposite effect on the singer and she took a pause in her singing career for a short while. She returned in 2023 with a bunch of new hits like "I'm Tasty" or "Mary Magdalene" which reminded the fans about the unique style and talent of Ayesha Erotica. The early 2024 was the time to record a few collaborative songs like "Break a Neck" with Odetary and others.