How old is Austin Felt?

Austin Felt was born on 23 December 1998.
Austin Felt is 26 years old.

How old is Austin Felt in days now?

Austin Felt is 26 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 9,571 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Austin Felt?

Austin Felt's next birthday is in 9 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Austin Felt?

Zodiac sign of Austin Felt is Capricorn.

Austin Felt is a social media personality and a talented content creator popular on many platforms due to his skills in video making and his great looks. Born in 1998 in a family of three boys and their parents, Austin grew up alongside his friends and brothers Jackson Felt and Greyson Felt who are always an inspiration for him. He is a very sociable person and has plenty of fiends everywhere. In his childhood he was rather interested in basketball and computer games, but in his late teen ages Austin began spending more time for promoting his social media channels. He is known on YouTube and Twitter, as well as Instagram. However, as of the late 2024, he has most of the followers on TikTok, about 6 million people. There are about a quarter of million followers on his Instagram account as well. Austin Felt is a good friend of Tyler Farr and other YouTubers or TikTokers. He has a popular clothing line designed for young people.

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