How old is Ashton Kutcher?
Ashton Kutcher was born on 7 February 1978.
Ashton Kutcher is 47 years old.
How old is Ashton Kutcher in days now?
Ashton Kutcher is 47 years 1 month 21 days old.
Total 17,216 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ashton Kutcher?
Ashton Kutcher's next birthday is in 10 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ashton Kutcher?
Zodiac sign of Ashton Kutcher is Aquarius.
Ashton Kutcher is a talented American actor who rose to fame with his great role in That 70s Show sitcom. It ran for 8 seasons and there, Kutcher starred alongside his future wife, Mila Kunis. Ashton was born in 1978 in Iowa, in a crowded Catholic family, and he has a fraternal twin brother Michael. Ashton started as a model and visited plenty of auditions, with his first movie debut taking place in 1999, in Coming Soon. Kutcher looked great in light drama and comedy movies like Dude, Where's My Car?, My Boss's Daughter, Just Married, playing a typical American guy next door. The Butterfly Effect was the first serious sci-fi movie that Kutcher took part in. Another success in popular TV series came to Kutcher in the early 2010s, when he joined the cast of Two and a Half Man (replacing Charlie Sheen). Kutcher is extremely interested in social media and all kinds of Internet technologies: he was one of the first celebrities to promote Twitter and reach 1 million followers. He has investments in such popular media platforms as Skype, Path, Foursquare, and others. In 2005, Ashton Kutcher married a popular actress Demi Moore, becoming good friends with her daughters with Bruce Willis, but in 2013 the couple divorced. Kutcher started dating Mila Kunis, and in 2015 they got married. The couple has a son and a daughter.