How old is Ashlyn Castro?
Ashlyn Castro was born on 17 December 1997.
Ashlyn Castro is 27 years old.
How old is Ashlyn Castro in days now?
Ashlyn Castro is 27 years 3 months 9 days old.
Total 9,961 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ashlyn Castro?
Ashlyn Castro's next birthday is in 8 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ashlyn Castro?
Zodiac sign of Ashlyn Castro is Sagittarius.
Ashlyn Castro is a public person and an Instagram star known primarily as a former girlfriend of an actor Michael B Jordan and as a current girlfriend of Jude Bellingham, a soccer superstar. Ashlyn was born in 1997 in California and raised in Long Beach alongside her family. As a really charming and beautiful teenager, she wanted to develop her career in modeling business and in the mid 2010s began to join a few commercial fashion projects. In 2017 she began dating Michael B. Jordan but their relationship didn't last long. Since the late 2010s Ashlyn started to make effort and promote her Instagram channel by updating it more and more often. She became a businesswoman and launched her line of cosmetics named Aneva Skin. In the late 2024 she responded to a few posts by Jude Bellingham on social media, and in January 2025 the couple began to appear together at various public events. Currently, Ashlyn Castro has about 150,000 followers on her Instagram page, and all of them always happy to see new photos and learn about updates in her life.