How old is Arammo?

Arammo was born on 2 October 2004.
Arammo is 20 years old.

How old is Arammo in days now?

Arammo is 20 years 5 months 26 days old.
Total 7,482 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Arammo?

Arammo's next birthday is in 6 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Arammo?

Zodiac sign of Arammo is Libra.

Arammo is a TikTok star who demonstrated an incredible growth on the platform and has managed to attract over 2 million fans for less than 1 year being not a celebrity or superstar. He was born in 2004 in Texas and was raised by his parents of Persian origins. His real name is Arad. He spent his childhood in San Antonio and lived the life that all the children there live, spending a lot of time outdoors or in front of their laptops. He didn't have much of interest to the social media activities till the early 2020s, and then he used to watch various TikTok or YouTube videos together with his friends. Finally, in February 2024 he opened his personal channel titled arammo__ and started to make a large number of videos focused on various entertaining and funny topis like challenges, skits, some comedy related stuff, and such. One of his videos featuring him in a helmet wearing a grey T-shirt went viral and has been watched by over 12 million people. There are currently (in October 2024)  about 2.5 million people following his channel. Arammo is often involved in communication with his fans that he usually carries out on his Instagram account with the same name.

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