How old is Anton Yelchin?

Anton Yelchin was born on 11 March 1989. Anton Yelchin died on 19 June 2016 at the age of 27 years.

What was the exact age of Anton Yelchin?

Anton Yelchin's exact age was 27 years 3 months 8 days old. Anton Yelchin lived for total 9,962 days.

What would be the age of Anton Yelchin if alive?

Anton Yelchin's exact age would be 36 years 20 days old if alive. Total 13,169 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Anton Yelchin?

Zodiac sign of Anton Yelchin is Pisces.

Anton Yelchin was an American actor famous for his roles in a few popular movies like Star Trek series. Born in 1989 in St. Petersburg Russia, to the parents who were famous Soviet figure skating couple. When Anton was 6 months old, his family moved to the US and received the status of refugees. In his childhood, Anton was very much interested in music and learned to play musical instruments. His both TV and cinema debut took place in 2000 when he appeared in ER and Geppetto TV series, also played minor roles in A Man Is Mostly Water and Delivering Milo. His cinema breakthrough was the movie Hearts in Atlantis where Anton played the lead role opposite Anthony Hopkins, as well as TV series Taken by Steven Spielberg. Yelchin took part in such TV projects as Huff, SuperMansion, ThrollHunters, as well as appeared in such popular series as Law&Order, Without a Trace, Criminal Minds, etc. In the cinema, the best roles of his were played in the movies "Star Trek" series where he portrayed Pavel Chekov, Charlie Bartlett, Like Crazy, You and I, The Beaver (opposite Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster), Fright Night, Odd Thomas, 5 to 7, Dying of the Light (with Nick Cage), Green Room, Driftless Area, as well as a series of animated movies Smurfs. In summer 2016 Anton Yelchin was found dead as a result of being trapped between his car and a brick pillar. He was gravely mourned by his countless fans and his grieving family.

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