How old is Andrea Carmona?
Andrea Carmona was born on 18 August 1999.
Andrea Carmona is 25 years old.
How old is Andrea Carmona in days now?
Andrea Carmona is 25 years 7 months 11 days old.
Total 9,355 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Andrea Carmona?
Andrea Carmona's next birthday is in 4 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Andrea Carmona?
Zodiac sign of Andrea Carmona is Leo.
Andrea Carmona is a multi talented person known for her television appearances as well as songs and modeling projects. She was born in 1999 in Florida and started demonstrating her natural inclination to music and singing when she was a young child. After finishing high school she attended Florida International University where she studied media and communication. After graduating Andrea worked for some time as a fitness instructor in Florida, before starting her active career in the early 2020s. She released her first single called "Irreplaceable" and later on appeared in a video for "Cellular" by The Chainsmokers. She got also known by sharing some song covers with the ones of the songs by Ariana Grande and The Weeknd being the most viewed. Finally, Andrea Carmona took part in 6th season of Love Island (US) where she partnered with Robert Rausch, a TikTok star. Her Instagram channel is currently followed by over a third of a million fans (as of August 2024).
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