How old is Andre Swilley?

Andre Swilley was born on 16 May 1998.
Andre Swilley is 26 years old.

How old is Andre Swilley in days now?

Andre Swilley is 26 years 10 months 15 days old.
Total 9,816 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Andre Swilley?

Andre Swilley's next birthday is in 1 month 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Andre Swilley?

Zodiac sign of Andre Swilley is Taurus.

Andre Swilley is an Internet star, a TikToker, an actor, and a rapper. He was born in 1998 in Texas and was a long-awaited son of his parents, He grew up in the neighborhood of Dallas, alongside his two elder sisters. Since his early ages, Andre loved music and acting, as well as playing computer games. He opened his first channel in the mid-2010s and started uploading there his own funny videos, sketches, lip syncing videos, and other comedy-related stuff. Quite soon Swilley's channel started becoming popular and attracting many viewers. Currently, he has a number of accounts and channels on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. The latter channel enjoys the popularity of about 5 million followers. Andre Swilley is a member of Boys of Summer 2019 group, together with Zoe LaVerne, Blake Grey, Cody Orlove, Brandon Rowland, and other YouTubers.

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