How old is Ameerah Navalua?

Ameerah Navalua was born on 24 October 2003.
Ameerah Navalua is 21 years old.

How old is Ameerah Navalua in days now?

Ameerah Navalua is 21 years 4 months 11 days old.
Total 7,805 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ameerah Navalua?

Ameerah Navalua's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ameerah Navalua?

Zodiac sign of Ameerah Navalua is Scorpio.

Ameerah Navalua is a YouTube star and a really talented content creator known for her great life hacks and DIY videos. She was born in 2003 in Arizona and is the youngest of her siblings. She has an elder brother Charlie and the elder sister Jamileh who also have their popular personal channels, and together the three siblings run their joint channel which often features their parents Israel and Jeddah. Ameerah is a really lovely and kind young lady though sometimes she can be quite sarcastic and straightforward. She is a high school student but spends a lot of time creating, designing and shooting her videos. Ameerah Navalua is also really keen on acting and takes part in a few acting projects including some local TV shows, commercials, music videos, and such. As of the mid 2024, there are almost 5 million followers of her YouTube channel, and the number of the subscribers has been rising extremely fast. In addition to her prime channel titled Just Ameerah, she has a few more channels, with More Ameerah and Ameeron being the most known ones of those.

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