How old is Amanda Cerny?
Amanda Cerny was born on 26 June 1991.
Amanda Cerny is 33 years old.
How old is Amanda Cerny in days now?
Amanda Cerny is 33 years 9 months 2 days old.
Total 12,329 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Amanda Cerny?
Amanda Cerny's next birthday is in 2 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Amanda Cerny?
Zodiac sign of Amanda Cerny is Cancer.
Amanda Cerny is a famous model, an actress, a media
celebrity and a fashion star. She was born in 1991 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
and grew up in a small family. She has a sister named Sam. When the girls were
attending primary school, their parents decided to move to LA. There, Amanda
started getting interested in social media and opened her first media account
on Vine where she used to post funny and witty videos focused mainly on the
life of American young people. Very soon she managed to attract over 4 million
subscribers, and motivated by this success she started developing her Twitter,
YouTube and especially Instagram account, which now has over 22 million
followers (as of the mid 2024).
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