How old is Amanda Bynes?
Amanda Bynes was born on 3 April 1986.
Amanda Bynes is 38 years old.
How old is Amanda Bynes in days now?
Amanda Bynes is 38 years 11 months 7 days old.
Total 14,221 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Amanda Bynes?
Amanda Bynes's next birthday is in 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Amanda Bynes?
Zodiac sign of Amanda Bynes is Aries.
Amanda Bynes is a talented American actress who is known to the general public for her roles in such shows as All That, The Amanda Show, and others. Born in 1986 in California, she spent her early years in the city of Thousand Oaks, alongside her parents and her two siblings. As a young child, Amanda had really cute looks so in the early 1990s she was noticed by some local child talent scouts and invited to join some commercial projects. In 1996 she was lucky enough to get invited to shooting of a popular TV series All That where she worked for 4 years. At that time she combined her work on this show with other projects like a game show for children Figure It Out, a sketch comedy show The Amanda Show by Nickelodeon, and others. During the 2000s Bynes played in his first cinema movies like Big Fat Liar (with Frankie Muniz), What A Girl Wants, Love Wrecked, She's The Man, as well as an animated movie Robots and a musical Hairspray. On TV, she played one of the main roles in the shows like Rugarts, starred in What I Like About You, and so on. Amanda Bynes dated a number of famous men including Seth MacFarlane, Taran Killiam, Paul Michael, and others. She has a degree in arts and her hobbies include drawing and fashion.