How old is Amalia Triple Charm?

Amalia Triple Charm was born on 3 June 2004.
Amalia Triple Charm is 20 years old.

How old is Amalia Triple Charm in days now?

Amalia Triple Charm is 20 years 9 months 4 days old.
Total 7,582 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Amalia Triple Charm?

Amalia Triple Charm's next birthday is in 2 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Amalia Triple Charm?

Zodiac sign of Amalia Triple Charm is Gemini.

One of the sisters of the Triple Charm pop group, Amalia Triple Charm is the oldest and the brightest performer who always contributes the most in every single activity of the band. She was born in 2004 in Florida to the family of Puerto Rican origins, and spent her childhood alongside her lovely sisters Gabriella Triple Charm and Raena Triple Charm. The girls started their artistic career as competitive dancers, and in the early 2020s they attempted to sing all together, and the attempt was extremely successful. That is how Triple Charm was made. Their first hit "Move On" turned out to be a sensation and received a lot of views on their social media accounts. Another best known songs of the trio is "Need No Reason" which brought the girls more fame and made their collaboration with a famous songwriter Heather Miley really fruitful. Amalia Triple Charm loved horse riding, and she loves managing her personal social media accounts, in particular, the one on Instagram where anyone can easily find her.

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