How old is Alex Wassabi?

Alex Wassabi was born on 28 March 1990.
Alex Wassabi is 34 years old.

How old is Alex Wassabi in days now?

Alex Wassabi is 34 years 11 months 27 days old.
Total 12,783 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Alex Wassabi?

Alex Wassabi's next birthday is in 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Alex Wassabi?

Zodiac sign of Alex Wassabi is Aries.

Alex Burriss, known with his social network nickname Alex Wassabi, is a popular YouTuber, vlogger, and media personality. He was born in 1990 in Kentucky and grew up alongside his 3 siblings who are also quite famous social media activists. Together with his school friend Roi Fabito, Alex started his first Vine channel in 2013, and they managed to gain a good number of followers. Wassabi proceeded with a new YouTube channel named Wassabi Productions, where he still keeps on posting interesting videos and tells his subscribers about his life. As of the late 2022, he has over 11 million followers on his Instagram account. In 2015 Alex Wassabi datedg Lauran Riihimaki, a young Canadian YouTuber of Finnish, Japanese and Ukrainian origin. In the early 2020s he dated social media stars including CaELiKe and later on Lexy Panterra.

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