How old is Aidan Aws?
Aidan Aws was born on 5 January 2006.
Aidan Aws is 19 years old.
How old is Aidan Aws in days now?
Aidan Aws is 19 years 2 months 7 days old.
Total 7,006 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Aidan Aws?
Aidan Aws's next birthday is in 9 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Aidan Aws?
Zodiac sign of Aidan Aws is Capricorn.
A popular vloger, Instagram star and owner of a personal channel on TikTok, Aidan Aws was born in 2006 in Colorado and was raised by his parents in quite a crowded family, alongside his two siblings, a sister and a brother. His incredible personal charisma started to reveal itself in his very young age, and as a child he used to be extremely popular at school or among his friends. Another amazing trait of his is his natural curiosity which together with great diligence in education helped to form a very knowledgeable and intelligent personality of his. When Aidan was a young teenager, he opened his TikTok channel to share the positivity and joy about this life that he has had for all of his life. His videos include some POV and comments on various life events, plenty of entertaining stuff like lip syncing, music, choreography, etc., some educative stuff and plenty of interesting insights on his life. Since the very first days of the life of the channel, he has began to add more and more fans to his fanbase, and as of the early 2025, there are over a half of a million people following his channel. Plenty of cool footage is being shared by Aidan Aws on Instagram, and those who want to see immediate updates in his life can visit there.
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