How old is Adeola Patronne?

Adeola Patronne was born on 11 October 1994.
Adeola Patronne is 30 years old.

How old is Adeola Patronne in days now?

Adeola Patronne is 30 years 5 months 17 days old.
Total 11,126 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Adeola Patronne?

Adeola Patronne's next birthday is in 6 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Adeola Patronne?

Zodiac sign of Adeola Patronne is Libra.

Adeola Patronne is a charming YouTube star from the UK whose channel titled Meet The Patroness, which she has been running with two of her friends, has attracted a lot of fans and is enjoying a very impressive number of views, 21 million ones (as of the late 2024). She was born in 1994 and spent her childhood in London, alongside her friends and family. Her childhood interests were focused around fashion, beauty, make up, healthy eating and active lifestyle. In the mid 2010s, together with her friends Sola and Miriam, she decided to make their personal channels on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and such. The ladies have plenty of interesting and unique ideas as to their content, and they have been running the channel for almost a decade. Adeola Patronne also has her personal TikTok channel and Instagram account where her fans can see some interesting content designed and made by her personally. Currently, there are about a quarter of a million fans following her TikTok channel, and the number of her fans of Instagram is close to 300,000 people.

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