How old is Aaron Burriss?
Aaron Burriss was born on 4 February 1989.
Aaron Burriss is 36 years old.
How old is Aaron Burriss in days now?
Aaron Burriss is 36 years 1 month 25 days old.
Total 13,202 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Aaron Burriss?
Aaron Burriss's next birthday is in 10 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Aaron Burriss?
Zodiac sign of Aaron Burriss is Aquarius.
Aaron Burriss is a YouTube sensation and a comedy content creator. Born in 1989 in the Philippines, he grew up in Montana and then a few other states of the country, alongside his three siblings. His brothers Andrew and Alex are also popular YouTube stars. Aaron opened his first social media accounts in the early 2010s and started getting popular immediately as his videos were interesting and funny. Famous as Aaron Wassabi, he is the creator of various pranks, challenges, stunts, and especially parody videos. As of the early 2024, his channel enjoys about 1.6 million followers. Aaron Burriss has also tried himself in acting and appeared in such movies as Where Is My Romeo?, How To Survive A Break-Up, etc. In the fall of 2022 he got married to his ling time sweetheart Veronica Merrell.
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