How old is 4kpapi?
4kpapi was born on 25 November 1985.
4kpapi is 39 years old.
How old is 4kpapi in days now?
4kpapi is 39 years 4 months 2 days old.
Total 14,367 days old now.
When is the next birthday of 4kpapi?
4kpapi's next birthday is in 7 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of 4kpapi?
Zodiac sign of 4kpapi is Sagittarius.
4kpapi is a social media superstar and a talented photographer who is a partner of Andrea Espada, a television actress famous in Columbia. His real name is Ali and he was born in 1985 in Lebanon. He opened his first social media networking accounts in the mid 2010s, and in 2017 he shared a photo of himself with Andrea for the first time. Their first son Milan Espada came to this world in 2020, and their lovely daughter Blu Amal Saleh was born in the early 2023. Andres has also got an elder son, and all together the family has been running their joint channel titled The Royal Family. They are really loved by their fans and as of the early 2025, there are almost 28.5 million people following the channel, with the total number of the views approaching 10 billion ones. You can also find an Instagram page of 4kpapi where he has got about one million fans, and there are plenty of really lovely and positive photos of his kids and family together that he has been sharing for many years.